| Name | Description |
  | AsTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, FuncType, Service) |
Specifies how a type from a scanned assembly is mapped to a service.
  | AsTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, FuncType, IEnumerableService) |
Specifies how a type from a scanned assembly is mapped to a service.
  | AsTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, FuncType, IEnumerableType) |
Specifies how a type from a scanned assembly is mapped to a service.
  | AsTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, FuncType, Type) |
Specifies how a type from a scanned assembly is mapped to a service.
  | AsClosedTypesOfTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, Type) |
Specifies that a type from a scanned assembly is registered if it implements an interface
that closes the provided open generic interface type.
  | AsClosedTypesOfTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, Type, FuncType, Object) |
Specifies that a type from a scanned assembly is registered if it implements an interface
that closes the provided open generic interface type.
  | AsClosedTypesOfTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, Type, Object) |
Specifies that a type from a scanned assembly is registered if it implements an interface
that closes the provided open generic interface type.
  | AsImplementedInterfacesTLimit(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, ReflectionActivatorData, DynamicRegistrationStyle) |
Specifies that a type is registered as providing all of its implemented interfaces.
  | AsImplementedInterfacesTLimit(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, ScanningActivatorData, DynamicRegistrationStyle) |
Specifies that a type from a scanned assembly is registered as providing all of its
implemented interfaces.
  | AsImplementedInterfacesTLimit, TConcreteActivatorData(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TConcreteActivatorData, SingleRegistrationStyle) |
Specifies that a type is registered as providing all of its implemented interfaces.
  | AsSelfTLimit(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, ReflectionActivatorData, DynamicRegistrationStyle) |
Specifies that a type provides its own concrete type as a service.
  | AsSelfTLimit(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, ScanningActivatorData, DynamicRegistrationStyle) |
Specifies that a type from a scanned assembly provides its own concrete type as a service.
  | AsSelfTLimit, TConcreteActivatorData(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TConcreteActivatorData, SingleRegistrationStyle) |
Specifies that a type provides its own concrete type as a service.
  | AssignableToT(IRegistrationBuilderObject, ScanningActivatorData, DynamicRegistrationStyle) |
Filters the scanned types to include only those assignable to the provided
  | AssignableToTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, Type) |
Filters the scanned types to include only those assignable to the provided
  | AutoActivateTLimit, TActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle |
Wraps a registration in an implicit IStartable and automatically
activates the registration after the container is built.
  | ExceptT(IRegistrationBuilderObject, ScanningActivatorData, DynamicRegistrationStyle) |
Filters the scanned types to exclude the provided type.
  | ExceptT(IRegistrationBuilderObject, ScanningActivatorData, DynamicRegistrationStyle, ActionIRegistrationBuilderT, ConcreteReflectionActivatorData, SingleRegistrationStyle) |
Filters the scanned types to exclude the provided type, providing specific configuration for
the excluded type.
  | FindConstructorsWithTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle, IConstructorFinder) |
Set the policy used to find candidate constructors on the implementation type.
  | FindConstructorsWithTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle, FuncType, ConstructorInfo) |
Set the policy used to find candidate constructors on the implementation type.
  | IfNotRegisteredTLimit, TActivatorData, TStyle |
Attaches a predicate such that a registration will only be made if
a specific service type is not already registered.
The predicate will run at registration time, not runtime, to determine
whether the registration should execute.
  | InNamespaceTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle |
Filters the scanned types to include only those in the provided namespace
or one of its sub-namespaces.
  | InNamespaceOfT |
Filters the scanned types to include only those in the namespace of the provided type
or one of its sub-namespaces.
  | InstancePerRequestTLimit, TActivatorData, TStyle |
Share one instance of the component within the context of a single
web/HTTP/API request. Only available for integration that supports
per-request dependencies (e.g., MVC, Web API, web forms, etc.).
  | KeyedTService(IRegistrationBuilderObject, ScanningActivatorData, DynamicRegistrationStyle, FuncType, Object) |
Specifies how a type from a scanned assembly is mapped to a keyed service.
  | KeyedTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, FuncType, Object, Type) |
Specifies how a type from a scanned assembly is mapped to a keyed service.
  | NamedTService(IRegistrationBuilderObject, ScanningActivatorData, DynamicRegistrationStyle, FuncType, String) |
Specifies how a type from a scanned assembly is mapped to a named service.
  | NamedTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, FuncType, String, Type) |
Specifies how a type from a scanned assembly is mapped to a named service.
  | OnlyIfTLimit, TActivatorData, TStyle |
Attaches a predicate to evaluate prior to executing the registration.
The predicate will run at registration time, not runtime, to determine
whether the registration should execute.
  | OnRegisteredTLimit, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, ScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, ActionComponentRegisteredEventArgs) |
Provide a handler to be called when the component is registred.
  | OnRegisteredTLimit, TActivatorData, TSingleRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TActivatorData, TSingleRegistrationStyle, ActionComponentRegisteredEventArgs) |
Provide a handler to be called when the component is registered.
  | OnReleaseTLimit, TActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, ActionTLimit) |
Run a supplied action instead of disposing instances when they're no
longer required.
  | OnReleaseTLimit, TActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, FuncTLimit, ValueTask) |
Run a supplied async action instead of disposing instances when they're no
longer required.
  | PreserveExistingDefaultsTLimit, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, ScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle) |
Specifies that the components being registered should only be made the default for services
that have not already been registered.
  | PreserveExistingDefaultsTLimit, TActivatorData, TSingleRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TActivatorData, TSingleRegistrationStyle) |
Specifies that the component being registered should only be made the default for services
that have not already been registered.
  | PropertiesAutowiredTLimit, TActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, PropertyWiringOptions) |
Configure the component so that any properties whose types are registered in the
container will be wired to instances of the appropriate service.
  | PropertiesAutowiredTLimit, TActivatorData, TStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TActivatorData, TStyle, FuncPropertyInfo, Object, Boolean) |
Set the policy used to find candidate properties on the implementation type.
  | RegisterT(ContainerBuilder, FuncIComponentContext, T) |
Register a delegate as a component.
  | RegisterT(ContainerBuilder, FuncIComponentContext, IEnumerableParameter, T) |
Register a delegate as a component.
  | RegisterAdapterTFrom, TTo(ContainerBuilder, FuncTFrom, TTo) |
Adapt all components implementing service TFrom
to provide TTo using the provided adapter
  | RegisterAdapterTFrom, TTo(ContainerBuilder, FuncIComponentContext, TFrom, TTo) |
Adapt all components implementing service TFrom
to provide TTo using the provided adapter
  | RegisterAdapterTFrom, TTo(ContainerBuilder, FuncIComponentContext, IEnumerableParameter, TFrom, TTo) |
Adapt all components implementing service TFrom
to provide TTo using the provided adapter
  | RegisterAssemblyTypes |
Register all types in an assembly.
  | RegisterComponent |
Add a component to the container.
  | RegisterComposite(ContainerBuilder, Type, Type) |
Register a composite type that should always provide the instance of serviceType when it is resolved,
regardless of what other registrations for serviceType are available.
Composite registrations are not included when resolving a collection of serviceType.
  | RegisterCompositeTService(ContainerBuilder, FuncIComponentContext, IEnumerableTService, TService) |
Register a delegate that should always provide the composite instance of a service type when it is resolved,
regardless of what other registrations for TService are available.
Composite registrations are not included when resolving a collection of TService.
  | RegisterCompositeTService(ContainerBuilder, FuncIComponentContext, IEnumerableParameter, IEnumerableTService, TService) |
Register a delegate that should always provide the composite instance of a service type when it is resolved,
regardless of what other registrations for TService are available.
Composite registrations are not included when resolving a collection of TService.
  | RegisterCompositeTComposite, TService(ContainerBuilder) |
Register a composite type that should always provide the instance of TService when it is resolved,
regardless of what other registrations for TService are available.
Composite registrations are not included when resolving a collection of TService.
  | RegisterDecorator(ContainerBuilder, Type, Type, FuncIDecoratorContext, Boolean) |
Decorate all components implementing service serviceType
with decorator service decoratorType.
  | RegisterDecoratorTService(ContainerBuilder, FuncIComponentContext, IEnumerableParameter, TService, TService, FuncIDecoratorContext, Boolean) |
Decorate all components implementing service TService
using the provided decorator function.
  | RegisterDecoratorTService(ContainerBuilder, FuncTService, TService, Object, Object) |
Decorate all components implementing service TService
using the provided decorator function.
The fromKey and toKey parameters must be different values.
  | RegisterDecoratorTService(ContainerBuilder, FuncIComponentContext, TService, TService, Object, Object) |
Decorate all components implementing service TService
using the provided decorator function.
The fromKey and toKey parameters must be different values.
  | RegisterDecoratorTService(ContainerBuilder, FuncIComponentContext, IEnumerableParameter, TService, TService, Object, Object) |
Decorate all components implementing service TService
using the provided decorator function.
The fromKey and toKey parameters must be different values.
  | RegisterDecoratorTDecorator, TService(ContainerBuilder, FuncIDecoratorContext, Boolean) |
Decorate all components implementing service TService
with decorator service TDecorator.
  | RegisterGeneric(ContainerBuilder, FuncIComponentContext, Type, Object) |
Register a delegate that can provide instances of an open generic registration.
  | RegisterGeneric(ContainerBuilder, FuncIComponentContext, Type, IEnumerableParameter, Object) |
Register a delegate that can provide instances of an open generic registration.
  | RegisterGeneric(ContainerBuilder, Type) |
Register an un-parameterised generic type, e.g. Repository<>.
Concrete types will be made as they are requested, e.g. with Resolve<Repository<int>>().
  | RegisterGenericComposite |
Register an un-parameterised generic type, e.g. Composite<> to function as a composite
for an open generic service, e.g. IRepository<>. Composites will be made as they are requested,
e.g. with Resolve<IRepository<int>>().
Composite registrations are not included when resolving a collection of serviceType.
  | RegisterGenericDecorator(ContainerBuilder, Type, Type, FuncIDecoratorContext, Boolean) |
Decorate all components implementing open generic service serviceType.
  | RegisterGenericDecorator(ContainerBuilder, Type, Type, Object, Object) |
Decorate all components implementing open generic service decoratedServiceType.
The fromKey and toKey parameters must be different values.
  | RegisterInstanceT |
Register an instance as a component.
  | RegisterType(ContainerBuilder, Type) |
Register a component to be created through reflection.
  | RegisterTypeTImplementer(ContainerBuilder) |
Register a component to be created through reflection.
  | RegisterTypes |
Register the types in a list.
  | TargetingTLimit, TActivatorData, TSingleRegistrationStyle |
Sets the target of the registration (used for metadata generation).
  | UsingConstructorTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle, IConstructorSelector) |
Set the policy used to select from available constructors on the implementation type.
  | UsingConstructorTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle, ExpressionFuncTLimit) |
Set the policy used to select from available constructors on the implementation type.
  | UsingConstructorTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle, Type) |
Set the policy used to select from available constructors on the implementation type.
  | WhereTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle |
Specifies a subset of types to register from a scanned assembly.
  | WithMetadataTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, FuncType, IEnumerableKeyValuePairString, Object) |
Specify how a type from a scanned assembly provides metadata.
  | WithMetadataTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TScanningActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle, String, FuncType, Object) |
Specify how a type from a scanned assembly provides metadata.
  | WithMetadataFromTAttribute |
Use the properties of an attribute (or interface implemented by an attribute) on the scanned type
to provide metadata values.
  | WithParameterTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle, Parameter) |
Configure an explicit value for a constructor parameter.
  | WithParameterTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle, FuncParameterInfo, IComponentContext, Boolean, FuncParameterInfo, IComponentContext, Object) |
Configure an explicit value for a constructor parameter.
  | WithParameterTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle, String, Object) |
Configure an explicit value for a constructor parameter.
  | WithParametersTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle |
Configure explicit values for constructor parameters.
  | WithPropertiesTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle |
Configure explicit values for properties.
  | WithPropertyTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle, Parameter) |
Configure an explicit value for a property.
  | WithPropertyTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle, String, Object) |
Configure an explicit value for a property.
  | WithPropertyTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle, TProperty(IRegistrationBuilderTLimit, TReflectionActivatorData, TStyle, ExpressionFuncTLimit, TProperty, TProperty) |
Configure an explicit value for a property.