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DefaultServiceImplementationDataProviderGetServiceImplementationData Method

Gets data about a service implementation.

Namespace:  Autofac.Integration.Wcf
Assembly:  Autofac.Integration.Wcf (in Autofac.Integration.Wcf.dll) Version: 6.0.0+691de191498a27e1db2c331d318e19150e41288c
public virtual ServiceImplementationData GetServiceImplementationData(
	string value


Type: SystemString
The constructor string passed in to the service host factory that is used to determine which type to host/use as a service implementation.

Return Value

Type: ServiceImplementationData
A ServiceImplementationData object containing information about which type to use in the service host and which type to use to resolve the implementation.


InvalidOperationException Thrown if the Container is ; if the service indicated by value is not registered with the Container; or if the service is a singleton that isn't registered as a singleton.
ArgumentNullException Thrown if value is .
ArgumentException Thrown if value is empty.

This resolver takes the constructor string stored in the .svc file and resolves a matching keyed or typed service from the root application container. That resolved type is used both for the service host as well as the implementation type.

See Also