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AutofacInstanceContext Methods

The AutofacInstanceContext type exposes the following members.

Public methodAttach
Enables an extension object to find out when it has been aggregated. Called when the extension is added to the Extensions property.
Public methodDetach
Enables an object to find out when it is no longer aggregated. Called when an extension is removed from the Extensions property.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Handles disposal of managed and unmanaged resources.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Finalizes an instance of the AutofacInstanceContext class.
(Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodResolve
Retrieve a service instance from the context.
Public methodResolveComponent
Resolve an instance of the provided registration within the context.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodInjectPropertiesTService(TService)Overloaded.
Set any properties on instance that can be resolved in the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInjectPropertiesTService(TService, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Set any properties on instance that can be resolved in the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInjectPropertiesTService(TService, Parameter)Overloaded.
Set any properties on instance that can be resolved in the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInjectPropertiesTService(TService, IPropertySelector)Overloaded.
Set any properties on instance that can be resolved by service and that satisfy the constraints imposed by propertySelector.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInjectPropertiesTService(TService, IPropertySelector, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Set any properties on instance that can be resolved by service and that satisfy the constraints imposed by propertySelector.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInjectPropertiesTService(TService, IPropertySelector, Parameter)Overloaded.
Set any properties on instance that can be resolved by service and that satisfy the constraints imposed by propertySelector.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInjectUnsetPropertiesTService(TService)Overloaded.
Set any null-valued properties on instance that can be resolved by the container.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInjectUnsetPropertiesTService(TService, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Set any null-valued properties on instance that can be resolved by the container.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInjectUnsetPropertiesTService(TService, Parameter)Overloaded.
Set any null-valued properties on instance that can be resolved by the container.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsRegistered(Type)Overloaded.
Determine whether the specified service is available in the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsRegisteredTServiceOverloaded.
Determine whether the specified service is available in the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsRegisteredService
Determine whether the specified service is available in the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsRegisteredWithKey(Object, Type)Overloaded.
Determine whether the specified service is available in the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsRegisteredWithKeyTService(Object)Overloaded.
Determine whether the specified service is available in the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsRegisteredWithName(String, Type)Overloaded.
Determine whether the specified service is available in the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsRegisteredWithNameTService(String)Overloaded.
Determine whether the specified service is available in the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolve(Type)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolve(Type, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolve(Type, Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveTServiceOverloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveTService(IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveTService(Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveExportsTOverloaded.
Locate all of the MEF exports registered as supplying contract type T.
(Defined by RegistrationExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveExportsT(String)Overloaded.
Locate all of the MEF exports registered as supplying contract type T.
(Defined by RegistrationExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveKeyed(Object, Type)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveKeyed(Object, Type, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveKeyed(Object, Type, Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveKeyedTService(Object)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveKeyedTService(Object, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveKeyedTService(Object, Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveNamed(String, Type)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveNamed(String, Type, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveNamed(String, Type, Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveNamedTService(String)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveNamedTService(String, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveNamedTService(String, Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptional(Type)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptional(Type, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptional(Type, Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalTServiceOverloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalTServiceOverloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionValueExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalTService(IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalTService(Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalTService(IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionValueExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalTService(Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionValueExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalKeyedTService(Object)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalKeyedTService(Object)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionValueExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalKeyedTService(Object, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalKeyedTService(Object, Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalKeyedTService(Object, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionValueExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalKeyedTService(Object, Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionValueExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalNamedTService(String)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalNamedTService(String)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionValueExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalNamedTService(String, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalNamedTService(String, Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalNamedTService(String, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionValueExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalNamedTService(String, Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionValueExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalService(Service)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalService(Service, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveOptionalService(Service, Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context, or null if the service is not registered.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveService(Service)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveService(Service, IEnumerableParameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodResolveService(Service, Parameter)Overloaded.
Retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryResolve(Type, Object)Overloaded.
Try to retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryResolveT(T)Overloaded.
Try to retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryResolveT(NullableT)Overloaded.
Try to retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionValueExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryResolveKeyed
Try to retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryResolveNamed
Try to retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryResolveService(Service, Object)Overloaded.
Try to retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTryResolveService(Service, IEnumerableParameter, Object)Overloaded.
Try to retrieve a service from the context.
(Defined by ResolutionExtensions.)
See Also