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Autofac.Extras.AttributeMetadata Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Autofac.Extras.AttributeMetadata"]

Public classAttributedMetadataModule
this module will scan all registrations for metadata and associate them if found.
Public classAutofacAttributeExtensions
Extends registration syntax for attribute scenarios.
Public classMetadataHelper
Translates a type's attribute properties into a set consumable by Autofac.
Public classMetadataModuleTInterface, TMetadata
Provides a mechanism to separate metadata registrations from compile-time attributes.
Public classParameterFilterAttribute Obsolete.
Base attribute class for marking constructor parameters and enabling filtering by attributed criteria.
Public classCode exampleWithKeyAttribute Obsolete.
Provides an annotation to resolve constructor dependencies according to their registered key.
Public classCode exampleWithMetadataAttribute Obsolete.
Provides an annotation to filter constructor dependencies according to their specified metadata.
Public interfaceCode exampleIMetadataProvider
Defines an attribute that provides custom metadata generation.
Public interfaceIMetadataRegistrarTInterface, TMetadata
Provides a mechanism to separate metadata registrations from compile-time attributes.