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IResolvePipelineBuilder Interface

Provides the ability to build a resolve pipeline from a set of middleware.

Namespace:  Autofac.Core.Resolving.Pipeline
Assembly:  Autofac (in Autofac.dll) Version: 6.0.0+39696a967e8826f7f1ebc8c1ff4523c9dd75abe0
public interface IResolvePipelineBuilder

The IResolvePipelineBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyMiddleware
Gets the set of middleware currently registered.
Public propertyType
Gets the type of the pipeline this instance will build.
Public methodBuild
Construct a concrete resolve pipeline from this builder.
Public methodClone
Clone this builder, returning a new builder containing the set of middleware already added.
Public methodUse
Use a piece of middleware in a resolve pipeline.
Public methodUseRange
Use a set of multiple, ordered middleware instances in a resolve pipeline.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodUse(PipelinePhase, ActionResolveRequestContext, ActionResolveRequestContext)Overloaded.
Use a middleware callback in a resolve pipeline.
(Defined by PipelineBuilderExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUse(String, PipelinePhase, ActionResolveRequestContext, ActionResolveRequestContext)Overloaded.
Use a middleware callback in a resolve pipeline.
(Defined by PipelineBuilderExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUse(PipelinePhase, MiddlewareInsertionMode, ActionResolveRequestContext, ActionResolveRequestContext)Overloaded.
Use a middleware callback in a resolve pipeline.
(Defined by PipelineBuilderExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUse(String, PipelinePhase, MiddlewareInsertionMode, ActionResolveRequestContext, ActionResolveRequestContext)Overloaded.
Use a middleware callback in a resolve pipeline.
(Defined by PipelineBuilderExtensions.)
See Also