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Autofac.Core.Resolving Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Autofac.Core.Resolving"]

Public classResolveOperationBeginningEventArgs
Describes the commencement of a new resolve operation.
Public classResolveOperationEndingEventArgs
Describes the commencement of a new resolve operation.
Public classResolveRequestBeginningEventArgs
Fired when a resolve request is starting.
Public classResolveRequestCompletingEventArgs
Fired when a resolve request is starting.
Public classSegmentedStackT
Implements a segmented stack of items, which functions like a regular StackT, but allows segments of the stack to be enumerated without including items pushed before the segment.
Public interfaceIDependencyTrackingResolveOperation
The interface indicating that an IResolveOperation supports dependency tracking. Required by middleware that must understand the dependency tree.
Public interfaceIResolveOperation
An IResolveOperation is a component context that sequences and monitors the multiple activations that go into producing a single requested object graph.