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Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms"]

Public classAttributedInjectionModule
Injects dependencies into request handlers and pages that have been decorated with the [InjectProperties] or [InjectUnsetProperties] attributes.
Public classDependencyInjectionAttribute
Base class for dependency injection attributes.
Public classDependencyInjectionModule
Base for classes that inject dependencies into HTTP Handlers.
Public classInjectPropertiesAttribute
Indicates that property injection should be performed on the instance when it is instantiated.
Public classInjectUnsetPropertiesAttribute
Indicates that property injection should be performed for null-valued properties on the instance when it is instantiated.
Public classPropertyInjectionModule
Dependency injection module that will always inject any resolvable properties.
Public classUnsetPropertyInjectionModule
Dependency injection module that will always inject any resolvable properties.
Public interfaceIInjectionBehavior
Provides dependency injection for a request handler.